Tuesday, May 26, 2009

VeggieTales makes the day

Today we had indoor recess because it rained last night and the ground was still a little damp. (What do they expect the kids to do? Get down and start rolling around on the slightly damp woodchips? Heaven forbid.) I had checked out a VeggieTales video from the library the last time I was there, so I popped it in and we settled down to watch. Well, they started to settle down and I spent the time mediating fights and keeping peace. 

Note: I have never seen a VeggieTales video. The only thing I know about VeggieTales is that they have the song "I Love My Lips" which I thought was about the funniest thing I'd ever heard my first year in college. 

The video was called "The Lord of the Bean," which I thought sounded vaguely familiar. As I put it in the computer, I thought maybe it would have something to do with The Lord of the Flies, with vegetables creating societies that then destroy themselves. Nope. I was way off. It was a spoof of The Lord of the Ring, except that it was a bean, and Bilboam had left it to Todo via Randolph. When Todo put the bean into the fire to make sure it was the Bean of Power, the writing on the Bean said, "If you can read this, you are standing too close." The other Beans of Power were capable of 1) making amazing meals, 2) changing one's appearance, 3) creating clothing, and 4) producing small kitchen appliances. Unfortunately, those to whom the Beans were given weren't that bright, and ate them. I thought it was hilarious. It was the funniest video I have seen in a long time. Of course, my students missed all of the humor, but I felt a lot better. I don't think they've ever seen me laugh that hard. I'm looking forward to the next rainy day so we can watch a little more of Todo and his Bean of Power.


Unknown said...

I love those movies. I used to have a lot of them but then started giving them away to my nieces and nephews. Maybe I should start stealing them back...

Victoria Blanchard said...

Veggietales are good. I didn't realize they did non-religious stuff though, so at first I was scared that you were showing it at school!

Shawna said...

Vickie - we watched the end of it today, and after the show they did a recap with all the things we had learned. They started throwing in Bible verses and I thought, "um...I better turn this off before anyone walks in my room!" So maybe they do non-religious stuff but then throw in the lessons at the end.