Friday, April 18, 2008

Joy School

Here is my funny story for the day, which is really my sister's story. Tori (my niece) is going to Joy School, a preschool, where they sing, "Tori, please stand up and let us see your smile, we are glad you came today, please stay a while." They do this for each child. Well. Tori doesn't stand up, or smile. Instead she tilts her head to her shoulder, says "No!" and gives a nasty look.
My sister tells the rest: "Mia (Tori's little sister) and I left but later this afternoon Mia came in to me and said, 'Mom, I want to go to Goy Kool and have them sing that song and go like this:' she tilts her head to the side and gives a mean glare.
'What?' I asked, not really seeing her and paying attention to other things. She repeated her request this time singing the song. I said, 'Oh, that would be great!' Mia said, 'No Mom, I want to do this there' and she tilted her head to her right shoulder and glared. I burst out laughing which earned me the 'DON'T MOM! DON'T!'

Over dinner we talked about how ladies should be happy and how the best response to the song should be standing up and smiling. So, we all did it. Tori's version, which Mia now copies, is a smile with the shoulders up to her chin, head tilted, arms crossed and locked hands. I was just glad a smile was involved."