Monday, April 21, 2008

attempting to deter unwanted behavior

During quiet time, I require the students to put their heads down on the tables and close their eyes. Some get bored and begin amusing themselves at the tables. Since there are dire consequences for having one's head up or eyes open, they find ways to play around while seemingly keeping their heads down and eyes closed. The latest is to spit on the table and then smear it around. (Disgusting, yes, I know. My definition and my students' definition of disgusting differ, however. I think spitting on a table is gross, but they like to play with the bubbles. However, saying that a dinosaur was the size of a chicken brings a resounding "Ewww!" from the children). Anyway, I caught Daija spitting on the table during quiet time. So I made her wash the tables during center time instead of being able to play with her friends. Jayden saw what she was doing and asked if he could help. I told him no, that Daija had to clean all the tables because she was spitting on them. He said, "Can I clean the floor? I was spitting on the floor." I told him that the janitor would do it. I don't think that the lesson would have worked very well on him, anyway. Hopefully he won't start spitting on the table in order to get to wash the tables - I'd have to come up with some other consequence for him.


Mother said...

That is funny, I can see your room being almost condemned because of the germ factor on everything, but then becoming spotless and germ free if they each had their own cleaning kit to wipe up after their bordom. Maybe it could be worked into a great possitive skill, to keep things clean. What a great teacher you are. I would never be able to be so clever.

Shawna said...

Maybe. It might be a good idea to make them clean their space every day. I think that a Montessori school does a good job with requiring students to be responsible for themselves. Maybe I'll go get a Montessori license next. :)