Wednesday, March 25, 2009

mixed messages

I sent a student to the office today. I know. I hate to do it. But he was hitting other kids out on the playground, and when I told him to stop, he hit me. Nope. That doesn't happen. So I hauled him up to the office, called his father, wrote up the PS74 form, conferenced with the assistant principal, and left him there. A little bit later I brought the student's backpack down to the office for when his father came to pick him up. When I arrived, the principal was in full disciplinarian mode, discoursing about respect, ect, and I chimed in, "uh huh....that's right." The principal ended with "Don't mess with me; I have my flats on (referring to her shoes - she wears heels to school but changes into flats when she means business)." Just then I made eye contact with her, and we both cracked up. Big belly laughs, with my student still glowering at waist level. When we quieted, she said, "It's been a long day" which I seconded, and then excused myself. Talk about mixed messages for the kid, especially since the situation really wasn't funny. But I felt better after a laugh. I hope the principal did, too.