Sunday, November 23, 2008

is it snowing? NO.

Two days in a row this week it rained during recess time, so we had to stay inside for recess. This is a killer for both me and the students. They have to behave, and I have to try to figure out a way to get their energy out in a way that is still quiet and orderly. The next day it didn't rain, and I was so excited. We bundled the kids up and marched them outside. I opened the door, and it was snowing. Well, barely flaking, but around here that constitutes as nearly a snowstorm. Now, I love snow. I adore it. Winter is the best time of the year. But I was horrified. If it's snowing, it's technically too cold for the kids to be outside (ridiculous, yes, I know). But I desperately wanted the kids outside for recess that day. So I ignored the snow and brought the kids out for recess. The kids were ecstatic: "It's SNOWING!!" Me: "No, not really. There's a flake or two, but it's not really snowing." If I admitted that it was snowing, I'd have to take them back inside. So I continued to downplay the reality of the weather until it was time to head back in. I felt bad about putting a damper on their excitement, but at least we were outside for recess. That's all that really mattered, anyway.


Victoria Blanchard said...

Shawna, I miss you so much! You are hilarious!

Shawna said...

Thanks, Vickie. I'm glad you're enjoying the stories. I love reading your blog because you always have such great stories that make me laugh. I think my all-time favorite is the one where you went to renew your driver's license. I still chuckle about that one.