Monday, November 24, 2008

brief, but complete

I think I've become a little too efficient. There are a few other TFAers in my certification class offered by the county, but most of the participants are veteran teachers who are renewing their certification. We had to give a presentation that consisted of a literacy lesson as though we were giving it to our students. We were to provide copies of our lesson plan and any handouts for everyone in the class. Those presenting before me teach upper grades, and they were teaching guided reading lessons, creative writing, and high-level thinking activities. Their lesson plans consisted of packets of paper and lots of other impressive-looking handouts that they passed out periodically throughout their lesson. My lesson plan was half a page, composed of three sentences and a couple bullet points. When it was my turn, I went up to the front of the class, handed out some puppets, read a book to the class, and sat back down. That's my literacy lesson. If I can get my 4-yr-olds to sit through an entire story, my lesson is a raving success. There weren't a lot of comments on my lesson (maybe because there wasn't much to comment on). There were a few other pre-k teachers in the class, although they present next week. As soon as class ended, they started laughing at me because my lesson plan was so short. I had everything in my lesson plan that I needed, but I doubt that the teacher appreciated my brevity.


Victoria Blanchard said...

Way to keep it real Shawna. Those other teachers would get eaten alive by your pre-K kids.