Wednesday, January 7, 2009


I'm not sure what prompted this memory, but after my first year of college I went home to work for the summer. One day as I was running errands in Kalispell, I stopped at a gas station to fill up the car. I noticed that Milo and Logan Funk (twins that were in my grade - I had a crush on Milo for years) were also filling up. We awkwardly exchanged hellos and tried to make casual conversation until our gas tanks were full. They asked where I was going to school (BYU-I), and I in return asked where they were at. They said they were at Georgetown, as though it were an important place. For some reason, I thought that Georgetown was in South Dakota. I didn't have much to say to that (what is there to say to someone going to school in South Dakota?), and that was the end of our conversation. They drove away, and I haven't seen or heard from them since. Anyway, when I remembered the incident, I realized that Georgetown is not in South Dakota, and it is would be a good place to go to school. I hope I see Milo and Logan at a high school reunion so that I can laugh with them about that.


Victoria Blanchard said...

I know how you feel. A ton of kids in my high school went to really good schools that I had never even heard of. There are so many snobby little places back east. And I'm sure there's at least one good school somewhere in South Dakota . . .