Saturday, May 31, 2008

I have eyes in the back of my head

The other day Jabari and Jaylen were hanging out on the carpet watching me while I cleaned up the classroom. They started fooling off, and I turned sharply and looked at them. Jaylen said, "You have eyes in the back of your head, don't you?" I said, "but of course! I hide them behind my hair." Jaylen said, "my mom does, too." He seemed pretty matter-of-fact about it, and that was the end of it, but Jabari, who thinks I don't know how much he goofs off, looked really concerned about this new development. That was the end of the discussion, but Jabari watched me pretty closely the rest of the day, and he moderated his behavior a lot. I remember at summer training in Philadelphia one of my teachers started detailing how much we'd lie to the students, and I didn't believe it. Then again, I never thought that one of my students would believe that I really did have eyes in the back of my head.


Victoria Blanchard said...

This is great, as usual! I have to tell you, a couple weeks ago I was visiting home and I read all your posts to my mom, who just finished her master's and is now looking for an elementary teaching position after student teaching 1st and 5th graders. She about wet her pants laughing at all your posts---I guess she knows how you feel!