Thursday, February 28, 2008

Eloquent...or not.

Sometimes I know just what to say. Today we had an assembly for Black History Month. I was crammed between Obeechina and Daija on tiny cafeteria-table seats trying to keep the 11 kids on my row quiet during the hour-and-a-half program. At one point, Obeechina whined, "I'm tiiirrrrreddd." That wasn't hard. "Great. Then you can sit quietly and listen."

Then again, sometimes I have no idea what to say. At one point Obeechina glared at me and said, "Someone breathed on my cheek. I don't LIKE it when people breathe on my cheek!" He continued to glare at me while I floundered for possible responses. I really didn't know how he would react to the obvious fact that it was either me or Abraham that had breathed on his cheek. I opted for an eloquent "Hm." Apparently he felt vindicated, but I'm still wondering what kind of response he expected. Next time I sit next to Obeechina I'll be more prepared for random accusations.


Keith said...

I literally laughed at this. I could hear your voice saying all that.

Actually, now that I think of it, you have talked that way to me before. Hmmmm.

Shawna said...

Thanks, Keith, for the comment. You can congratulate yourself for teaching me all that I know.

Keith said...

You mean there was ever a question?